1. Unstrung Heroes - this 90s film features Andie MacDowell, John Turturro, and Michael Richards. It is based on the memoir by sports journalist Franz Lidz. It is a heartwarming and bittersweet film about a boy who goes to live with his eccentric uncles and learns lessons for life. A family movie, might not appeal to younger children, but I don't recall anything offensive in it! Available, so far as I can tell, to rent on a number of a streaming services and you should be able to find for free through the library.

Enjoy these and go exploring for more. If you discover anything really good, share it with me and I'll send some more around.
Also, don't forget we have two online synagogue opportunities coming up:
Online Kiddush, Friday at Noon:
Aaron Benson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Meeting ID: 157 019 718
Password: 024344
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Meeting ID: 157 019 718
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"Lessons from the Bible on Facing Disease and Sickness"
This coming Tuesday at 5pm
Aaron Benson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 822 130 964
Password: 027062
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US Toll
Meeting ID: 822 130 964
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ab0Y2VmSod
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