Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Kabbalat Shabbat 3/27, Sell Chametz, More

Kabbalat Shabbat Gathering
This Friday at 5:45pm
With a great desire to gather together and connect to the spirit of Shabbat, Cantor Kramer and I will offer a weekly Kabbalat Shabbat Gathering, shortly before Shabbat begins on Friday nights.

The psalms of Kabbalat Shabbat do not require a minyan, nor are they prayers in the technical sense for which one must be with the leader in order to respond. Kabbalat Shabbat is simply a collection of beautiful biblical passages to put us in the right frame of mind for Shabbat.

We will begin at 5:45 with singing and English readings from out of Siddur Lev Shalem. If you do not have a copy of that siddur, of course you can use any with which you are comfortable to follow the Hebrew. Or you can download a copy of Lev Shalem here: DOWNLOAD SIDDUR you can see on the form there is a place to download "Kabbalat Shabbat and Evening Service" which will provide you with the necessary pages.

The gathering will also include the prayer in place of Kaddish which was sent out earlier this week, and will also include a short d'var torah.

We hope you'll all join us!
Meeting ID: 569 361 045
Password: 016647
Delegation of Power to Sell Chametz:
Please fill out and return this form if you would like me to sell your chametz for Passover. If you have trouble, you can always email me and simply say you want me to do so, indicating the addresses and specific locations of the chametz.

Additional Online Programming:
"Lessons from the Bible on Facing Disease and Sickness," this Tuesday, March 24th at 5pm
Meeting ID: 822 130 964
Password: 027062
Online Havdalah: Saturday, March 28th at 8:15pm
This will be a Facebook Live event, conducted by Morah Heather, our JLC Principal, watch for the details this week.

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