Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Benediction of Life for September 11th, 2024

From the Suffolk County 9/11 Memorial Ceremony:

Now, do not be distressed or reproach yourselves because you sold me hither; it was to save life that God sent me ahead of you.” 

With these words does Joseph reveal not just his hidden identity to his brothers in the biblical story, but his view of life.  Rather than focus on the fact that his brothers sought to and almost killed him, that he suffered as a slave, that he was accused of crimes he didn’t commit, Joseph’s priority is that he ended up in a position where he could save countless people from the famine sweeping across the world – and he is going to save his brothers as well.

Those of us who can remember September 11th, 2001, will never forget the horrible, gut-wrenching, sickening, images of that day.  Evil on full display. 

And also, will we never forget in the days afterwards, the show of American pride and values.  True patriotism on full display.  Kindness and togetherness and fellowship.  Volunteerism.  Compassion and consolation.  The very best of America, the expression of all we hold dear. 

May we never forget the attack on our soil, the innocent lives lost, the heroes and their sacrifices.  And neither may we ever forget the expression of, the choice of life that came after.  As a people, as a nation, in the darkest of times and at all times, may we always appeal to the very best that is within us and choose the pursuit of happiness, choose liberty, and choose life. 

May this be the will of the Divine which we aid in making manifest today and always, and let us say, Amen.