Saturday, June 11th 8:00pm – Minchah Service, Vav Tikkun Presentation – our Vav class is invited to a special ceremony at which our graduating students will receive their Torah reading books.
9:05pm - Havdalah/Maariv (Candle lighting no earlier than 9:06pm)
Tikkun Leyl Shavuot follows, “The 'Ten Commandments’ from Jews by Choice” – members of our congregation who have converted to Judaism share their insights and observations about Jewish belief and practices that should inspire on this holiday of embracing the Torah.
Sunday, June 12th, 9am – Shacharit Services, stay for ice cream
Sunday, June 12th, 8:05pm - Minchah/Ma’ariv (Candle lighting no earlier than 9:06pm)
Monday, June 13th, 9am – Shacharit Services & Breakfast with Ruth – once again we will share breakfast with the heroine of the Shavuot story during services. Yizkor will also take place.